Fly Tying Capes

Elevate your fly tying creations with our selection of Fly Tying Capes & Saddles at Angling Active. These high-quality feathers come in a variety of colours and sizes, perfect for crafting lifelike flies that attract fish. Whether you're a seasoned fly-tier or just starting, our capes offer the versatility and quality you need. Explore a wide range of options, from natural feathers to dyed capes, all carefully sourced to ensure excellence in your fly patterns.

Shop now to find the ideal capes to make your flies irresistible. Angling Active is your go-to destination for top-notch fly tying materials, and our Fly Tying Capes are no exception. Tie with confidence and attract your target species with precision!

Utilising Capes in Fly Tying

Capes, which comprise the neck feathers of birds have been a steadfast and vital material in fly tying for generations. They provide the delicate and finely-barbed feathers used to create a multitude of patterns, furnishing flies with realism and functionality.

What are capes used for in fly tying?

Capes serve a multifaceted role in the creation of artificial fishing flies:

  • Wings: They are used to construct wings on various dry fly patterns.
  • Hackles: The feathers from capes are often used for hackling flies, providing necessary buoyancy and mimicking the legs of insects on dry flies.
  • Tails: Cape feathers can be utilised to create lifelike tails on numerous fly patterns.
  • Legs and Antennae: Smaller feathers and fibres from capes might be used to simulate legs and antennae on nymph and terrestrial patterns.

Renowned Capes for Fly Tying:

The following capes are frequently lauded amongst fly tyers for their quality and functionality:

  • Metz Capes: Known for their high-quality and dense feather count, providing a vast selection of hackles suitable for various fly sizes.
  • Whiting Capes: Renowned for their exceptional quality and long, slender feathers, suitable for a range of patterns and particularly favoured for dry flies.
  • Indian Capes: A more affordable option that offers a wide range of usable feathers, suitable for beginners or those on a budget.
  • Saddle Capes: Not to be confused with neck capes, saddle capes provide longer feathers often utilised for streamers, saltwater patterns and palmered bodies.

Choosing an Appropriate Cape:

When selecting a cape for fly tying, several factors should be considered:

  • Feather Quality: Look for capes with feathers that are supple, well-formed and free from defects.
  • Size Range: Opt for capes that provide a diverse range of feather sizes to maximise versatility.
  • Colour: Ensure the cape offers the colours needed for your intended fly patterns.
  • Price: Balance your budget against the quality and variety of feathers offered by the cape.

Optimising the Use of Capes:

To maximise the utility and lifespan of capes in fly tying:

  • Store them correctly, safeguarding against potential damage from pests, moisture or physical wear.
  • Select feathers that are appropriate for the size and type of fly you’re tying.
  • Utilise techniques like the pinch-and-loop for securing feathers, ensuring durability and appropriate positioning in your flies.

Conclusively, capes represent a cornerstone material in fly tying, providing an essential range of feathers that facilitate the creation of myriad effective and visually-appealing fly patterns. Whether crafting delicate dry flies or robust streamers, selecting and utilising quality capes will invariably enhance the functionality and allure of a tyer's creations, increasing their efficacy on the water.