Braided Fishing Line

Discover our range of braided fishing lines designed from top fishing brands. Engineered for strength, sensitivity, and smooth casting, our braided lines provide exceptional performance on the water. With high knot strength and minimal stretch, they offer enhanced sensitivity to detect even the subtlest bites. No matter where you're fishing or what you're targeting, our braided lines deliver the durability and control you need for a successful fishing experience.

Available in various breaking strains and colours, our braid mainlines offer versatility and visibility. The thin diameter allows for longer casts and better lure control, while the lack of stretch ensures you’ll feel even the subtlest of takes. Explore our collection and find the perfect braided line to enhance your angling performance!

Braided line buying advice

Braided fishing lines have gained popularity among anglers for their high strength, minimal stretch and thin diameter. They are made by weaving multiple strands of synthetic fibres, such as Spectra or Dyneema, to create a single, strong line. Before making a purchase, there are several factors to consider to ensure you choose the right braided fishing line for your specific fishing needs.

Firstly, it's important to consider the pound test rating or strength of the braided line. Braided lines are available in various pound test ratings, ranging from as low as 5 pounds to over 100 pounds. The pound test indicates the amount of weight the line can withstand before breaking. Consider the type of fish you will be targeting and the fishing conditions you will encounter to determine the appropriate pound test rating. Lighter pound test ratings are suitable for smaller fish and finesse techniques, while heavier ratings are necessary for larger fish species or fishing in heavy cover.

The diameter of the braided line is another crucial factor to consider. Braided lines have a smaller diameter compared to monofilament or fluorocarbon lines of the same pound test. This thin diameter provides several advantages, including increased casting distance, better sensitivity, and improved lure action. Additionally, the thin diameter allows for higher line capacity on your fishing reel. Consider the fishing techniques you will be using and the target species to determine the appropriate diameter for your braided line.

The colour of the braided line is a consideration that can impact your fishing success. Braided lines are available in various colours such as green, yellow, white and multicolour. The choice of colour depends on several factors, including water clarity and personal preference. In clear water, a low-visibility colour like green or white may be preferred, while in murky water, a high-visibility colour like yellow or multicolour may help track line movement. It's important to note that some braided lines come with a coating that provides additional resistance to fading or colour bleeding.

Another factor to consider is the smoothness and abrasion resistance of the braided line. Look for braided lines with a smooth and tightly woven construction to minimize friction and enhance casting distance. High-quality braided lines are also designed to be highly resistant to abrasion, ensuring they can withstand rubbing against rocks, structures, or rough fish mouths without fraying or breaking. Consider the fishing conditions you will encounter and the potential for abrasion to select a braided line with the appropriate smoothness and durability.

Knot strength and tying ease are important considerations when choosing a braided fishing line. Some braided lines can be more challenging to tie certain knots, while others may have better knot strength. It's recommended to test different knot types with the specific braided line you plan to purchase to ensure you can tie secure and reliable knots. Look for braided lines that offer good knot strength and are easy to work with, as this will save you time and frustration on the water.

Lastly, it's worth considering the brand reputation and customer reviews of the braided fishing line. Research different brands and read customer feedback to ensure you are investing in a high-quality line known for its strength, durability, and performance. Reputable brands often provide detailed information about the materials, manufacturing processes and testing of their braided lines, giving you confidence in your purchase.

By considering the pound test rating, diameter, colour, smoothness and abrasion resistance, knot strength and tying ease, and brand reputation, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a braided fishing line. Finding the right braided line that suits your fishing style, target species, and fishing conditions will enhance your fishing experience and provide you with a reliable and strong line for your angling adventures.