Salmon Doubles

Explore our collection of Salmon Doubles, including proven patterns sure to help you to land more salmon! Our double hook salmon flies feature premium hooks, durable materials and modern patterns designed to entice salmon to take. The double hook setup increases hooking potential and ensures a secure hold on these formidable fish.

With top patterns from the best brands in fly fishing you can be sure our range of salmon doubles are up to the job. We have a wide range of patterns available on a range of hook sizes, from small, low water doubles for summer fishing to larger size 4’s for spring - Shop our wide selection now and equip yourself with the best flies for your next salmon angling adventure!

Double hook salmon flies

When it comes to UK salmon fishing - flies with double hooks are a popular choice among seasoned anglers. These flies are designed to mimic the natural prey of salmon, attracting their attention and enticing them to take. When buying salmon fishing flies with double hooks, there are a few important factors to consider:

Hook Size and Strength: The size and strength of the hook are crucial considerations when choosing salmon flies. Additionally, make sure the hooks are sturdy and durable enough to handle the powerful strikes and fights that salmon are known for.

Fly Pattern: The selection of fly patterns for UK salmon fishing is vast with various designs and colours available. Traditional patterns like the Ally's Shrimp, Cascade and Willie Gunn have proven to be effective, but it's also worth experimenting with modern variations and innovative designs. Consider the known successful patterns on the river, the time of year and the water conditions to choose fly patterns that are appropriate for the water conditions.

Materials: The choice of materials used in the tying of salmon flies greatly affects their appearance, movement and durability. Common materials include feathers, fur, tinsel and various synthetic materials. Natural materials like hackles and furs can create a lifelike look and movement, while synthetic materials offer durability and vibrant colours. Look for flies that are well-tied, with secure and neat tying, ensuring they can withstand repeated casts and potential encounters with salmon.

Local Knowledge and Recommendations: When purchasing UK salmon fishing flies it's valuable to tap into the expertise and local knowledge of experienced anglers. Seek recommendations from local fishing guides, fellow anglers or our knowledgeable staff at Angling Active. We can provide insights into successful patterns, sizes and techniques specific to the rivers and seasons you'll be fishing in.

Price and Quality: Salmon flies with double hooks can vary in price, depending on the brand, materials and intricacy of the tying. Consider your budget and strike a balance between quality and affordability. While it's tempting to opt for cheaper flies, investing in well-tied and high-quality patterns can improve your chances of success and durability, making them a worthwhile investment.

By considering these factors and combining your knowledge of the river and prevailing fishing conditions, you can make informed choices when buying UK salmon fishing flies with double hooks. Remember that salmon fishing often requires adaptation and experimentation, so don't be afraid to try different patterns, sizes and techniques to discover what works best for you in different situations.